How To Communicate Fluently In English? 7 Tips and Tricks
How To Communicate Fluently In English? 7 Tips and Tricks

How to Communicate Fluently in English? 7 Tips and Tricks

by Saqib Waseem

The profound impact of communicating in English is irrefutable. The world has indisputably transformed into a global village, and English is the only viable medium of communication on a universal scale. Whether you aspire to make a splash in freelancing, or are aiming to ply your trade in E-commerce, English is the way to break the ice. It will enable you to broaden your horizon and break into the markets prevalent all over the world.

However, the very notion of communication in English leaves shivers down the spine of many people, especially those hailing from Asia and Africa. Factors like lack of confidence and fluency wreak havoc with their ability to communicate. Consequently, they end up stammering, fidgeting and devoid of the capability to express their viewpoint. This problem is not merely associated with the inability to speak fluently in English. Most of these people find it excruciatingly tough to pen (write) something down in English; which leads to grammatical mistakes and poor sentence structure.

Learning English can be tough, but also a fun activity

Nevertheless, the aforementioned problem is not terminal by any stretch of the imagination. If one is willing to bed one’s back and make a constant vigil to learn, then communicating fluently in English is not a pipe dream anymore. In this article, I shall try my level best to highlight how one can gain mastery on this language by adhering to 7 seemingly simple tips and tricks.

Table of Contents

1.   Improve Your Vocabulary to Communicate Fluently

Hang on! Isn’t this the biggest problem most people confront? Well, gaining richness in vocabulary is not as difficult as it sounds. One can manage that using some simple strategies:

·       Look up every new word you come across in Oxford Dictionary. It is a terrific source for boosting one’s collection of words. Watch out for synonyms and antonyms of the word you are looking for. This trick will yield tremendous results. This will definitely guide you in terms of how to speak fluently in English.

·    Do not restrict your search to a single word. Use the dictionary to learn usage of particular words in sentences. This will definitely bolster your ability to create meaningful sentences using every word you come across. It will also help you in speaking and writing grammatically correct English.

2.   Practise Vigorously: Most Important Tip for Fluency

There is no magic formula for communicating fluently and confidently in English. If you wish to communicate with aplomb, then you need to practise rigorously. This includes writing essays as well as talking to others in English. This assumes even greater importance if English is not your native language. Enormous practice will help you in terms of eliminating chinks in your pronunciation, as well as amplifying your credentials. You do not need verbosity or any flowery vocabulary to embellish your essays. Just start with basic English and everything will follow suit.


3.   Watch English Movies/Content: Vital Trick

Perhaps the highly recommended trick to gain mastery over English is by keenly watching content in English language. English movies are a sure-fire way of enhancing one’s vocabulary and shoring up one’s pronunciation. By turning subtitles on, you can also note down the words of your choice and then look those up in the dictionary. This is a powerful tool and goes a look way towards gaining better grasp on the English language. You can definitely learn how to speak English fluently while sitting on your couch.


4.   Read Articles/English Newspapers to Communicate Fluently

Most of us are fond of keeping ourselves abreast with news of events transpiring around the world. We tend to watch news channels and read newspaper articles to quench our thirst for information. However, this habit can also be channelled to enhance our English communication credentials. All we need is to devote half an hour to English news channels and a small chunk of our time to read high quality English content. This tip will also aid immeasurably in terms of augmenting our proficiency in English.

Reading articles/watching movies can be a great source of learning English

5.   Brace Yourself for Initial Discomfort

        The biggest thing that ails people aspiring to communicate effectively in English is their inhibition. They feel uncomfortable in interacting with people in English. Their primary concern is that their lack of linguistic skills will not hold them in good stead, and will eventually hold them back. However, you need to shirk all those thoughts if you are to ace this challenge. Nobody will bat an eye if you fail to communicate effectively at first, but many plaudits will follow once you overcome this problem.


6.   Revamp Your Lifestyle to Master Communication

       In order to communicate fluently in English, people need to come up with certain changes in their lifestyle. This includes spending less time playing video games and devoting more to their learning. They can switch to useful learning websites like and, which will allow them to learn from linguistic experts from across the world. This will certainly prove to be a shot in the arm for their speaking and writing attributes.


7.   Choose a Mentor: Learn to Communicate Fluently

        A person who is adept at communicating fluently and confidently in English can prove to be your messiah. Interacting with such a person on weekly basis can certainly iron out the kink in your armour. It will provide you the perfect benchmark to gauge your progress. Feedback provided by a mentor can prove instrumental towards helping you communicate effectively in English.

Summary of How to be Fluent in English

        Communicating fluently in English can be a nightmarish prospect for many people. They fear that they will become a laughing stock because of their inability to speak/write proficiently. However, if you desire to gain certain pedigree in this field, then you must follow the aforementioned tips and tricks. These will definitely propel your conversational skills to the next level.



16 thoughts on “How To Communicate Fluently In English? 7 Tips and Tricks

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